📊Alert Feed

This page serves as an overview to the Live Feeds on the Nebula platform.

The Alert Feed is an upgraded version of the Alerts System we built for Prometheus; projects that users add into their Watchlist not only appear in their Notifications, but they also appear in their Alert Feed with QuickBuy and QuickSell buttons to ensure that not only is the trader the first to know about specific updates to their Watchlist projects, they're also the first ones to be able to capitalize on those updates.

The Alert Feed is intended to be a slower, more methodical approach to trading in the trenches, as only tokens that you have manually entered or selected from either the Live Feeds or Custom Feeds appear, along with the reason for the ping/entry (e.g. developer wallet sold, migration, etc).

Along with projects that are on a users Watchlist, users are able to set specific criteria for each chain; when a project passes the threshold for criteria completion, the project appears within the users Alert Feed

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